Friday, 20 May 2016

Caring for your SupaWood Doors: 4 Useful Tips

Supawood offers exceptional strength and durability if treated properly, especially when it comes to your doors – interior or exterior wise. In order to keep your SupaWood doors in pristine condition, ensure to follow these following 4 tips – keeping them looking brand new.

1. Use a high-grade primer:
If working with untouched wood, use one coat of high-grade exterior primer for exterior doors, such as oil, alcohol or a lacquer-based paint. Follow off with three coats of a high-quality exterior paint to make them resistant to the natural elements.

2. Clean with mild detergents:
Avoid using harsh sponges or detergents to clean your doors of any stickiness or dirt. Instead, wipe your doors off with a damp cloth, mild soap, and water. That way you’ll still clean them without causing any unnecessary damage.

3. Repaint once a year:
It’s always a good idea to give your exterior doors a fresh coat of paint once a year. Avoid using a water-based product. Instead, opt for an oil or lacquer-based paint in the colour of your choice – using a spray gun if possible for an easier, smoother application.

4. Choose a touch-up putty:
Doors are bound to get damaged, regardless of their position. Scratches, dents, and chips can be prevented by handling your doors with care, however, if you do end up with mild damage, try implementing a touch-up putty or wood filler made especially for MDF – available at your local hardware store.

Remember, first impressions count. Always ensure your doors remain in a pristine condition by taking care of them on a regular basis – they deserve it.

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